This report argues that TikTok does not comply with the GDPR in a number of ways.

Dr. J. Ausloos & Dr. V. Verdoodt
February 1, 2021

Do not browse the web in in-app browsers (e.g. in apps like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok). Experience is bad. Those apps also INJECT TRACKING INSTRUCTIONS. They control every interaction, all that is typed, clicked... Browse with normal web browsers.

Lukasz Olejnik
August 19, 2022

Unlike platform ads (contracts between brands-platforms), native ads often have off-platform supply chains. While platforming the latter might be a transparency gain (esp under DSA registration), here TikTok is just playing with performance indicators. The medium is the message

Catalina Goanta
September 4, 2022

TikTok fined €345 million and ordered to become legally compliant within 3 months. “The fine relates to non-private settings, lack of transparency and use of dark patterns.” 🙌

September 15, 2023